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Eastergate Primary

Vision & Values

Vision Statement

Learn, Grow, Achieve, Together in God's Love

Our vision is to provide a learning environment in which each child can grow academically, spiritually and socially, so that they can experience 'Life in its fullness.' John 10:10

In order that we can experience ‘life in it’s fullness’ we ‘Learn, Grow and Achieve Together in God’ by learning to trust one another. To show compassion towards our friends and to forgive them when we fall out. We learn to take care of God’s creation and look forward to our future with hope, knowing God’s love for us endures forever. We believe our Christian values give our children strong foundations to know how to treat others, make good choices and contribute positively to society as they grow older.

Our core values are: trust, compassion, forgiveness, creation, hope and endurance   

Our school logo incorporates symbols representing all of our school values. 


Our Vision Aims

To be a friendly school where people can grow as individuals and know they are respected.

  • A place where everyone is accepted, loved and valued. 
  • A place that is a reflective, nurturing community, underpinned by Christian values and welcoming to all.
  • A community where everyone loves learning and is challenged to achieve their best. 

In school life we demonstrate this through our focus in school assemblies, the development of our curriculum, pupil voice through our school council, our encouragement of pupils to take responsibility and our positive behaviour policy based on 'restorative processes' and links with charities and community organisations.  

As a Church of England School our Christian values are at the heart of all that we do.  We celebrate the seasons of the church and put prayer and worship at the centre of every school day.  We also have excellent links with our local parish of Aldingbourne, Barnham & Eastergate.

We work closely with other church schools in our locality and deanery community to to strengthen our Christian distinctiveness by working closely together and serving one another. We recognise the value of working collaboratively for the good of all our children and the wider school community.

You can read more about our Parish by clicking here