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Eastergate Primary

School Day

Please note that we have changed the start of the school from Wednesday 4th September to the earlier time 8:40am!

  • 0830 Doors Open
  • 0840 Registration
  • 1200-1245 Lunch for EYFS, years 3, 4 and 6
  • 1215-0100 Lunch for years 1, 2, and 5
  • 1300 Registration
  • 1500 School day ends for children in EYFS and KS1
  • 1510 School day ends for children in KS2

Parents are welcome to wait with their children in the playground when the gates open in the morning.

There is always a member of staff on duty, by the gate.

All children have a 15-minute morning break. Children in Early Years, Heron Class (Y1) and Kestrel Class (Y2), also get a break in the afternoon.

Every class does the daily mile at some point during the school day.

We ask that when bringing your children to school that you help develop their independence by saying "goodbye" to them in the playground.

The best time for parents/carers to speak to the class teacher is at the end of the school day, unless it is urgent. If you have an urgent message for your child's class teacher, you should contact the school office by email or phone.

There is always a member of staff in the playground in the morning.

Parents/guardians are asked to come themselves or arrange for a named person to come to school to collect their children at the end of the day.

Children are discouraged from leaving the premises without a responsible adult unless parents or guardians have informed us that their children is allowed to walk home on their own.

In the event of school closure due to bad weather it will be publicised on this web site or you can sign up for alerts by going to the WSCC site and enrolling.  Closures are also announced on local radio.

West Sussex School Closure Site