Pupil Premium
Pupils benefit from the many opportunities provided to support their personal development. Educational visits are planned to extend their understanding of the world. Pupils visit museums and enjoy the trips they go on.
Ofsted 2023
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is an amount of money that a school receives based upon the number of children at the school that are entitled to and in receipt of free school meals (FSM); those who have been eligible at any point over the last 6 years (Ever 6); children who are looked after by the Authority (CLA) and children of service personnel.
The purpose of this funding is to target additional money at pupils from the most deprived background to help them achieve their full potential. You can read how we spend the PP at Eastergate school by clinking on the link below. The school's leadership team and the Governing Body monitor the impact of all spending and the use of the Pupil Premium Grant to support families and children who are entitled to the funding and others where possible.