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Eastergate Primary



At Eastergate CE Primary School our vision for PSHE and RSE is the development of a 'Curriculum for Life': a programme which goes beyond the statutory requirements and equips children to meet the many challenges and opportunities they will experience through life's journey. We aim for children to have an understanding of their uniqueness and individuality as well as a sense of belonging.


We have developed our curriculum using the West Sussex E4S (Education for Safeguarding) resources. This has involved tailoring our curriculum to the needs of our pupils and consulting with parents. The West Sussex Education for Safeguarding (E4S) curriculum is based on the national Department for Education Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) guidance and numerous national frameworks, including the PSHE Association, but adapted and enriched for schools in West Sussex. This has been developed via a multi-agency approach combining teams from Safeguarding in Education, Contextual Safeguarding, Health and Education in West Sussex.

We strive for a curriculum where pupils not only learn the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to grow up as healthy individuals, but also develop a sense of their own moral compass enabling them to be in control of their own choices and at the same time respond to pupil's needs as they grow and mature on their journey through our school.

The core themes of PSHE and RSE are taught thematically and spiral through our curriculum from EYFS through to Year 6. Revisiting concepts helps pupils to know and remember more, so they can apply their learning in different situations and navigate the moral, social and cultural issues they will face as they grow older, both online and offline, now and in their teenage years and beyond.

The E4S curriculum combines our relationships, sex and health education curriculum with our personal, social and economic curriculum. It comprises of four cornerstones: Digital & Media Literacy, Relationship & Sex Education, Physical Health and Wellbeing and Emotional Health and Wellbeing.

Since PSHE incorporates the development of the whole child, learning does not just take place through the taught curriculum, but through all aspects of school life underpinned by our ethos, vision and values. Our school community serves to act as a 'miniature world', where pupils practise and appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse and multicultural society, making successful relationships with people from all walks of life. Through PSHE and RSE, we teach about equality and diversity in several ways: by providing opportunities for pupils to develop skills and strategies to challenge issues of prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping and also by ensuring our PSHE and RSE curriculum allows every child access to teaching about things that matter to them and others.

The heart of our PSHE and RSE curriculum is about the  present and future: constantly evolving to respond to the needs of pupils in an ever changing world and supporting pupils to build successful futures for themselves and others as they grow.


We enable our children and young people to develop their own skills, knowledge and understanding of how to be who they are, understand the world they are growing up in and how to keep themselves safe in all areas of their world, we believe that we are giving each and every one of them the best chance for their lives ahead.