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Eastergate Primary



All pupils experience an exciting and relevant history curriculum which nurtures their curiosity about the past and their own place in the world. It deepens their knowledge and understanding of chronology and their awareness of how our lives have been shaped by the past and how events from the past inform the future. Our curriculum empowers our pupils to ask and answer questions, developing connections between past events and significant people, within their community and beyond. We aim for children to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and to understand the roots of British Values. Local and national studies and the exploration of historical civilisations across the world, help to stimulate children’s curiosity.


Each unit of learning in history starts with a question. Children are engaged in answering the question through a sequence of lessons and enrichment experiences. This may include visits to local places of interest or visitors bringing artefacts and resources to school for children to explore in their classroom. Children are encouraged to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence and develop perspective and judgement. Through History, children will begin to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the challenges of their time, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups. Links are made between History and other areas of the curriculum. For example the journey of the Titanic and people migrating to America for work.


By the end of their primary education, children will have a good chronological understanding of British History and will be able to recall facts and details from The Stone Age to World War II.