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Eastergate Primary



At Eastergate CE Primary School we recognise the importance of pupils developing their use of speaking and listening skills to support their learning and the development of reading and writing as they journey through school. Skills in speaking, reading and writing enable pupils to express their thoughts and ideas, explore and learn new concepts and to be creative.

We aim for children to become confident, literate young people, who can communicate effectively, enjoy reading for pleasure as well as for the acquisition of knowledge.

We have designed our curriculum around the use of high quality texts to instil in all children a love of reading and to expose them to rich vocabulary. Our texts are chosen to expose children to a range of literature, to encourage discussion on a wide range of ideas and themes that promote diversity and inclusion, and to develop the cultural capital that children need to succeed in life. We also have a focus on broadening vocabulary alongside creating a strong culture of reading for pleasure.

English provides the foundations for learning in other areas of the curriculum as well as the requisite skills to be successful, independent, and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education.


This will be achieved through daily English activities, regular reading and cross-curricular learning. Vocabulary development is also taught through wider and challenging reading, through our spelling scheme and as part of the wider curriculum.

When children join the school in the reception class we introduce them to the Read, Write, Inc phonics programme to develop their reading and writing. This is a clearly structured programme which ensure that children confidently learn to decode words, develop their fluency in reading and learn to write. As pupils progress through the school we ensure that their fluency and speed of reading continues to develop as they meet and increasing range of texts.

We introduce the Accelerated Reader programme to help pupil’s to continue to make progress and to encourage independent reading.


Through our English curriculum children should learn to be the very best they can be as reader, writers, speakers and listeners, through a carefully designed curriculum that gives children the skills they need and the experience of a rich variety of texts.

Click on the links and PDFs below to learn more about our approach to teaching phonics, reading, spelling and writing at Eastergate CE Primary School and how parents and carers can support their children at home.

Read Write Inc, guide for parents Click here

Accelerated Reader, guide for parents Click here