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Eastergate Primary


At Eastergate CE Primary School, our curriculum has been designed and developed to meet the needs of our children. We want our children to be responsible, independent individuals that have a lifelong enjoyment of learning, in order that they can ‘live life to its fullness’. To support this, our ambitious curriculum is designed to be awe-inspiring, stimulating and develop children’s curiosity in our wonderful world.

In addition to the skills and knowledge set out in the National Curriculum, we understand the importance of developing individual and collaborative learning opportunities, fostering a growth mindset and a sense of responsibility and to widen children’s experiences beyond their immediate horizons. The curriculum becomes increasingly outward looking as children progress through the school and develops the cultural capital that children need to succeed in life. Learning about our local area and local history allows us to make connections with national history and develop a global awareness. This is reflected in the wide range of educational visits and visitors to the school.

On immersion days or during special weeks, children have the opportunity to explore aspects of their learning with hands on experiences as well as explore the great outdoors! Creative arts, such as music, drama and art, further enrich the children’s learning experience and we integrate these subjects into their learning journey.

Our curriculum is built around the use of high quality texts in order to instill in all children a love of reading and to expose them to rich and extended vocabulary. Our texts are chosen to expose children to a range of genre and authors, old and new. Children's wellbeing is also supported through the wider curriculum and our PSHE and RSE curriculum.

As a church school we understand to be humans that we are: body, mind and spirit and we want our children to ‘Learn, Grow and Achieve Together in God’s Love’ as they journey through Eastergate CE Primary School.  

See 'Classes' for children's learning this year or click on the button below for the titles of curriculum themes and enrichment opportunities.