Our School
The ‘new’ Eastergate School was built in 1970.
It is set in semi-rural surroundings and is approximately six miles from the cathedral city of Chichester.
We are a single form entry primary school. Our classes are all named after birds to reflect our natural setting and location.
Year Group | Class Name |
Early Years | Chaffinch Class |
Year One | Heron Class |
Year Two | Kestrel Class |
Year Three | Moorhen Class |
Year Four | Osprey Class |
Year Five | Quail Class |
Year Six | Skylark Class |
It presently comprises of seven purpose built classrooms together with a separate room called the ‘Calm Room’ for small teaching groups, an ICT Suite equipped with laptops and ipads, a DT (Design Technology) Area, a Hall, a Staff room and Offices for Administration.
Faith Matters
The School is Church of England Controlled, which means that Religious Education is provided in accordance with the West Sussex Agreed Syllabus.
Daily Collective Worship is broadly of Christian Character. Education in the Christian Faith does not exclude other faiths and children are taught that religion is important in the lives of many people. We feel that Faith and Belief matters. We have close links with St. George's Church, Eastergate. Father Paul comes into school and leads Collective Worship every week along with other clergy, who live locally.
Life Long Learning
We extend an open invitation for all parents/guardians to become involved in the life of the school. We hope all parents and carers will take every opportunity to keep in close contact with the Class Teacher, who will be happy to arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss any issues or worries. In addition termly Consultation Evenings are held and written reports are given to parents and carers annually. We believe that a home/school partnership will enhance the child's understanding of life long learning.
We feel that education does not solely happen at school. It is the responsibility of the whole community in which the child is being nurtured. We ask all pupils, parents/guardians and staff to sign our Home/School Agreement. This helps all involved to keep in mind a unity of purpose. Many parents and members of the local community share their talents with the children. We place great importance on the fact that all adults involved in guiding and teaching the children should share a common aim.
The History of Our School
Eastergate was predominately a farming parish and as such the children in the past had little opportunity to go to school or to learn to read or write.
However, it is thought that a school stood in School Lane in the 1830s. The school had been founded by the National Society for Promoting Religious Education to provide elementary education to the children of the poor based on the teachings of the Church of England. Set up in 1811, the aim of the Society was to have a school in every parish but Barnham, for instance, did not have a school until 1906 and that was built by the County Council. Even with a large catchment area, Eastergate School was often closed through the lack of a suitable master and children were often absent helping their parents. Indeed, in 1837 the first school log states that it reopened with 4 pupils under Edward Lulham, a certified master.
Harry Dart (1899-1983) remembers walking daily to Eastergate until the Barnham School opened.
Here is an extract from his memoir :
“As I was living previously in West Barnham I had my first schooling at Eastergate – a very old building in use since 1836 – and under a much-loved head teacher, Mrs Harvey, I had good basic instruction. We had only slates for writing and no individual reading books. Each morning we opened school with prayers and a hymn conducted by the Rev. Mr. Fraser, whose Rectory was nearby, before and after the “dinner” break we sang “grace” to the tune of The Old Hundredth, our hymns and songs being accompanied by the teacher upon a squeaky old American Organ. Those of us who brought sandwiches, living some distance away, ate them sitting round the Tortoise coke stove.”
In 1901 Hilda Ruff was born at Homeleigh, Church Lane, the youngest daughter of Rubin/Reuben Ruff who sold fruit and vegetables in Eastergate. Hilda attended Eastergate School and when she grew up she was the teacher there for 15 years. She married Mr Stanley Bennett, a local builder, at St George’s Church in 1926. They lived for many years at Mandalay in Church Lane. We know this because their son, Roger, presented a scrap book to Eastergate parish in 2000 which contains information and photographs of his mother at the school. The book is held at the Parish Office in Barnham (The Church in the Market Place).
In 1912 Eastergate School was updated and there are plans at the Records Office in Chichester (ref: PAR 7625/1) which include the building of new toilets (outside), enlargement of the windows and extra outside space – gravel and paving.
In 1970 with Mrs Doreen Brisland as headteacher the school moved to new open plan premises in Church Lane. There were by now 100+ pupils and three teachers who had completely outgrown the old school.
In the local newspaper, the West Sussex Gazette and South of England Advertiser in February 1970, Mr Michael Ridger, deputy director of education for West Sussex County Council said
“The old school is a nasty building. On the other hand, it is a first-rate educational institution, which produces some quite extraordinary results.”
The old school building is now a private residence.